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createApi is the core of RTK Query's functionality. It allows you to define a set of "endpoints" that describe how to retrieve data from backend APIs and other async sources, including the configuration of how to fetch and transform that data. It generates an "API slice" structure that contains Redux logic (and optionally React hooks) that encapsulate the data fetching and caching process for you.


Typically, you should only have one API slice per base URL that your application needs to communicate with. For example, if your site fetches data from both /api/posts and /api/users, you would have a single API slice with /api/ as the base URL, and separate endpoint definitions for posts and users. This allows you to effectively take advantage of automated re-fetching by defining tag relationships across endpoints.

This is because:

  • Automatic tag invalidation only works within a single API slice. If you have multiple API slices, the automatic invalidation won't work across them.
  • Every createApi call generates its own middleware, and each middleware added to the store will run checks against every dispatched action. That has a perf cost that adds up. So, if you called createApi 10 times and added 10 separate API middleware to the store, that will be noticeably slower perf-wise.

For maintainability purposes, you may wish to split up endpoint definitions across multiple files, while still maintaining a single API slice which includes all of these endpoints. See code splitting for how you can use the injectEndpoints property to inject API endpoints from other files into a single API slice definition.

Example: src/services/pokemon.ts
// Need to use the React-specific entry point to allow generating React hooks
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
import type { Pokemon } from './types'

// Define a service using a base URL and expected endpoints
export const pokemonApi = createApi({
reducerPath: 'pokemonApi',
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '' }),
endpoints: (build) => ({
getPokemonByName: build.query<Pokemon, string>({
query: (name) => `pokemon/${name}`,

// Export hooks for usage in function components, which are
// auto-generated based on the defined endpoints
export const { useGetPokemonByNameQuery } = pokemonApi

createApi Parameters

createApi accepts a single configuration object parameter with the following options:

  baseQuery(args: InternalQueryArgs, api: BaseQueryApi, extraOptions?: DefinitionExtraOptions): any;
endpoints(build: EndpointBuilder<InternalQueryArgs, TagTypes>): Definitions;
extractRehydrationInfo?: (
action: UnknownAction,
}: {
reducerPath: ReducerPath
) =>
| undefined
| CombinedState<Definitions, TagTypes, ReducerPath>
tagTypes?: readonly TagTypes[];
reducerPath?: ReducerPath;
serializeQueryArgs?: SerializeQueryArgs<InternalQueryArgs>;
keepUnusedDataFor?: number; // value is in seconds
refetchOnMountOrArgChange?: boolean | number; // value is in seconds
refetchOnFocus?: boolean;
refetchOnReconnect?: boolean;


The base query used by each endpoint if no queryFn option is specified. RTK Query exports a utility called fetchBaseQuery as a lightweight wrapper around fetch for common use-cases. See Customizing Queries if fetchBaseQuery does not handle your requirements.

baseQuery function arguments

  • args - The return value of the query function for a given endpoint
  • api - The BaseQueryApi object contains:
    • signal - An AbortSignal object that may be used to abort DOM requests and/or read whether the request is aborted.
    • abort - The abort() method of the AbortController attached to signal.
    • dispatch - The store.dispatch method for the corresponding Redux store
    • getState - A function that may be called to access the current store state
    • extra - Provided as thunk.extraArgument to the configureStore getDefaultMiddleware option.
    • endpoint - The name of the endpoint.
    • type - Type of request (query or mutation).
    • forced - Indicates if a query has been forced.
    • queryCacheKey- The computed query cache key.
  • extraOptions - The value of the optional extraOptions property provided for a given endpoint

baseQuery function signature

Base Query signature
export type BaseQueryFn<
Args = any,
Result = unknown,
Error = unknown,
DefinitionExtraOptions = {},
Meta = {},
> = (
args: Args,
api: BaseQueryApi,
extraOptions: DefinitionExtraOptions,
) => MaybePromise<QueryReturnValue<Result, Error, Meta>>

export interface BaseQueryApi {
signal: AbortSignal
abort: (reason?: string) => void
dispatch: ThunkDispatch<any, any, any>
getState: () => unknown
extra: unknown
endpoint: string
type: 'query' | 'mutation'
forced?: boolean

export type QueryReturnValue<T = unknown, E = unknown, M = unknown> =
| {
error: E
data?: undefined
meta?: M
| {
error?: undefined
data: T
meta?: M
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query'

const api = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
endpoints: (build) => ({
// ...endpoints


Endpoints are a set of operations that you want to perform against your server. You define them as an object using the builder syntax. There are three endpoint types: query, infiniteQuery and mutation.

See Endpoint Definition Parameters for details on individual properties.

Query endpoint definition

Query endpoints (defined with build.query()) are used to cache data fetched from the server.

You must specify either a query field (which will use the API's baseQuery to make a request), or a queryFn function with your own async logic. All other fields are optional.

Query endpoint definition
export type QueryDefinition<
BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
TagTypes extends string,
ReducerPath extends string = string,
> = {
query(arg: QueryArg): BaseQueryArg<BaseQuery>

/* either `query` or `queryFn` can be present, but not both simultaneously */
arg: QueryArg,
api: BaseQueryApi,
extraOptions: BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery>,
baseQuery: (arg: Parameters<BaseQuery>[0]) => ReturnType<BaseQuery>,
): MaybePromise<QueryReturnValue<ResultType, BaseQueryError<BaseQuery>>>

/* transformResponse only available with `query`, not `queryFn` */
baseQueryReturnValue: BaseQueryResult<BaseQuery>,
meta: BaseQueryMeta<BaseQuery>,
arg: QueryArg,
): ResultType | Promise<ResultType>

/* transformErrorResponse only available with `query`, not `queryFn` */
baseQueryReturnValue: BaseQueryError<BaseQuery>,
meta: BaseQueryMeta<BaseQuery>,
arg: QueryArg,
): unknown

extraOptions?: BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery>

providesTags?: ResultDescription<

keepUnusedDataFor?: number

arg: QueryArg,
updateCachedData, // available for query endpoints only
}: QueryLifecycleApi,
): Promise<void>

arg: QueryArg,
updateCachedData, // available for query endpoints only
}: QueryCacheLifecycleApi,
): Promise<void>

Infinite Query endpoint definition

Infinite query endpoints (defined with build.infiniteQuery()) are used to cache multi-page data sets from the server. They have all the same callbacks and options as standard query endpoints, but also require an additional infiniteQueryOptions field to specify how to calculate the unique parameters to fetch each page.

For infinite query endpoints, there is a separation between the "query arg" used for the cache key, and the "page param" used to fetch a specific page. For example, a Pokemon API endpoint might have a string query arg like "fire" , but use a page number as the param to determine which page to fetch out of the results. The query and queryFn methods will receive a combined {queryArg, pageParam} object as the argument, rather than just the queryArg by itself.

Infinite Query endpoint definition
export type PageParamFunction<DataType, PageParam> = (
firstPage: DataType,
allPages: Array<DataType>,
firstPageParam: PageParam,
allPageParams: Array<PageParam>,
) => PageParam | undefined | null

type InfiniteQueryCombinedArg<QueryArg, PageParam> = {
queryArg: QueryArg
pageParam: PageParam

export type InfiniteQueryDefinition<
BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
TagTypes extends string,
ReducerPath extends string = string,
> =
// Infinite queries have all the same options as query endpoints,
// but store the `{pages, pageParams}` structure, and receive an object
// with both `{queryArg, pageParam}` as the arg for `query` and `queryFn`.
InfiniteQueryCombinedArg<QueryArg, PageParam>,
> & {
* Required options to configure the infinite query behavior.
* `initialPageParam` and `getNextPageParam` are required, to
* ensure the infinite query can properly fetch the next page of data.
* `initialPageparam` may be specified when using the
* endpoint, to override the default value.
infiniteQueryOptions: {
* The initial page parameter to use for the first page fetch.
initialPageParam: PageParam
* This function is required to automatically get the next cursor for infinite queries.
* The result will also be used to determine the value of `hasNextPage`.
getNextPageParam: PageParamFunction<DataType, PageParam>
* This function can be set to automatically get the previous cursor for infinite queries.
* The result will also be used to determine the value of `hasPreviousPage`.
getPreviousPageParam?: PageParamFunction<DataType, PageParam>
* If specified, only keep this many pages in cache at once.
* If additional pages are fetched, older pages in the other
* direction will be dropped from the cache.
maxPages?: number

Mutation endpoint definition

Mutation endpoints (defined with build.mutation()) are used to send updates to the server, and force invalidation and refetching of query endpoints.

As with queries, you must specify either the query option or the queryFn async method.

Mutation endpoint definition
export type MutationDefinition<
BaseQuery extends BaseQueryFn,
TagTypes extends string,
ReducerPath extends string = string,
Context = Record<string, any>,
> = {
query(arg: QueryArg): BaseQueryArg<BaseQuery>

/* either `query` or `queryFn` can be present, but not both simultaneously */
arg: QueryArg,
api: BaseQueryApi,
extraOptions: BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery>,
baseQuery: (arg: Parameters<BaseQuery>[0]) => ReturnType<BaseQuery>,
): MaybePromise<QueryReturnValue<ResultType, BaseQueryError<BaseQuery>>>

/* transformResponse only available with `query`, not `queryFn` */
baseQueryReturnValue: BaseQueryResult<BaseQuery>,
meta: BaseQueryMeta<BaseQuery>,
arg: QueryArg,
): ResultType | Promise<ResultType>

/* transformErrorResponse only available with `query`, not `queryFn` */
baseQueryReturnValue: BaseQueryError<BaseQuery>,
meta: BaseQueryMeta<BaseQuery>,
arg: QueryArg,
): unknown

extraOptions?: BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery>

invalidatesTags?: ResultDescription<TagTypes, ResultType, QueryArg>

arg: QueryArg,
}: MutationLifecycleApi,
): Promise<void>

arg: QueryArg,
}: MutationCacheLifecycleApi,
): Promise<void>

How endpoints get used

When defining a key like getPosts as shown below, it's important to know that this name will become exportable from api and be able to referenced under api.endpoints.getPosts.useQuery(), api.endpoints.getPosts.initiate() and The same thing applies to mutations but they reference useMutation instead of useQuery.

import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
interface Post {
id: number
name: string
type PostsResponse = Post[]

const api = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
tagTypes: ['Posts'],
endpoints: (build) => ({
getPosts: build.query<PostsResponse, void>({
query: () => 'posts',
providesTags: (result) =>
result ?{ id }) => ({ type: 'Posts', id })) : [],
addPost: build.mutation<Post, Partial<Post>>({
query: (body) => ({
url: `posts`,
method: 'POST',
invalidatesTags: ['Posts'],

// Auto-generated hooks
export const { useGetPostsQuery, useAddPostMutation } = api

// Possible exports
export const { endpoints, reducerPath, reducer, middleware } = api
// reducerPath, reducer, middleware are only used in store configuration
// endpoints will have:
// endpoints.getPosts.initiate(),, endpoints.getPosts.useQuery()
// endpoints.addPost.initiate(),, endpoints.addPost.useMutation()
// see `createApi` overview for _all exports_


A function that is passed every dispatched action. If this returns something other than undefined, that return value will be used to rehydrate fulfilled & errored queries.

next-redux-wrapper rehydration example
import type { Action, PayloadAction } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
import { HYDRATE } from 'next-redux-wrapper'

type RootState = any // normally inferred from state

function isHydrateAction(action: Action): action is PayloadAction<RootState> {
return action.type === HYDRATE

export const api = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
extractRehydrationInfo(action, { reducerPath }): any {
if (isHydrateAction(action)) {
return action.payload[reducerPath]
endpoints: (build) => ({
// omitted

See also Server Side Rendering and Persistence and Rehydration.


An array of string tag type names. Specifying tag types is optional, but you should define them so that they can be used for caching and invalidation. When defining a tag type, you will be able to provide them with providesTags and invalidate them with invalidatesTags when configuring endpoints.

import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query'

const api = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
tagTypes: ['Post', 'User'],
endpoints: (build) => ({
// ...endpoints


The reducerPath is a unique key that your service will be mounted to in your store. If you call createApi more than once in your application, you will need to provide a unique value each time. Defaults to 'api'.

import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query'

const apiOne = createApi({
reducerPath: 'apiOne',
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
endpoints: (builder) => ({
// ...endpoints

const apiTwo = createApi({
reducerPath: 'apiTwo',
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
endpoints: (builder) => ({
// ...endpoints


Accepts a custom function if you have a need to change the creation of cache keys for any reason.

By default, this function will take the query arguments, sort object keys where applicable, stringify the result, and concatenate it with the endpoint name. This creates a cache key based on the combination of arguments + endpoint name (ignoring object key order), such that calling any given endpoint with the same arguments will result in the same cache key.


Defaults to 'delayed'. This setting allows you to control when tags are invalidated after a mutation.

  • 'immediately': Queries are invalidated instantly after the mutation finished, even if they are running. If the query provides tags that were invalidated while it ran, it won't be re-fetched.
  • 'delayed': Invalidation only happens after all queries and mutations are settled. This ensures that queries are always invalidated correctly and automatically "batches" invalidations of concurrent mutations. Note that if you constantly have some queries (or mutations) running, this can delay tag invalidations indefinitely.


Defaults to 60 (this value is in seconds). This is how long RTK Query will keep your data cached for after the last component unsubscribes. For example, if you query an endpoint, then unmount the component, then mount another component that makes the same request within the given time frame, the most recent value will be served from the cache.

keepUnusedDataFor example
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
interface Post {
id: number
name: string
type PostsResponse = Post[]

const api = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
endpoints: (build) => ({
getPosts: build.query<PostsResponse, void>({
query: () => 'posts',
keepUnusedDataFor: 5,


Defaults to false. This setting allows you to control whether if a cached result is already available RTK Query will only serve a cached result, or if it should refetch when set to true or if an adequate amount of time has passed since the last successful query result.

  • false - Will not cause a query to be performed unless it does not exist yet.
  • true - Will always refetch when a new subscriber to a query is added. Behaves the same as calling the refetch callback or passing forceRefetch: true in the action creator.
  • number - Value is in seconds. If a number is provided and there is an existing query in the cache, it will compare the current time vs the last fulfilled timestamp, and only refetch if enough time has elapsed.

If you specify this option alongside skip: true, this will not be evaluated until skip is false.


You can set this globally in createApi, but you can also override the default value and have more granular control by passing refetchOnMountOrArgChange to each individual hook call or similarly by passing forceRefetch: true when dispatching the initiate action.


Defaults to false. This setting allows you to control whether RTK Query will try to refetch all subscribed queries after the application window regains focus.

If you specify this option alongside skip: true, this will not be evaluated until skip is false.

Note: requires setupListeners to have been called.


You can set this globally in createApi, but you can also override the default value and have more granular control by passing refetchOnFocus to each individual hook call or when dispatching the initiate action.

If you specify track: false when manually dispatching queries, RTK Query will not be able to automatically refetch for you.


Defaults to false. This setting allows you to control whether RTK Query will try to refetch all subscribed queries after regaining a network connection.

If you specify this option alongside skip: true, this will not be evaluated until skip is false.

Note: requires setupListeners to have been called.


You can set this globally in createApi, but you can also override the default value and have more granular control by passing refetchOnReconnect to each individual hook call or when dispatching the initiate action.

If you specify track: false when manually dispatching queries, RTK Query will not be able to automatically refetch for you.

Endpoint Definition Parameters


(required if no queryFn provided)

query signature
export type query = <QueryArg>(
arg: QueryArg,
) => string | Record<string, unknown>

// with `fetchBaseQuery`
export type query = <QueryArg>(arg: QueryArg) => string | FetchArgs


(required if no query provided)

Called with the same arguments as baseQuery, as well as the provided baseQuery function itself. It is expected to return an object with either a data or error property, or a promise that resolves to return such an object.

See also Customizing queries with queryFn.

queryFn signature
arg: QueryArg,
api: BaseQueryApi,
extraOptions: BaseQueryExtraOptions<BaseQuery>,
baseQuery: (arg: Parameters<BaseQuery>[0]) => ReturnType<BaseQuery>
): MaybePromise<
| {
error: BaseQueryError<BaseQuery>
data?: undefined
| {
error?: undefined
data: ResultType

export interface BaseQueryApi {
signal: AbortSignal
dispatch: ThunkDispatch<any, any, any>
getState: () => unknown

queryFn function arguments

  • args - The argument provided when the query itself is called
  • api - The BaseQueryApi object, containing signal, dispatch and getState properties
    • signal - An AbortSignal object that may be used to abort DOM requests and/or read whether the request is aborted.
    • dispatch - The store.dispatch method for the corresponding Redux store
    • getState - A function that may be called to access the current store state
  • extraOptions - The value of the optional extraOptions property provided for the endpoint
  • baseQuery - The baseQuery function provided to the api itself


(only for infiniteQuery endpoints)

Required options to configure the infinite query behavior. initialPageParam and getNextPageParam are required, to ensure the infinite query can properly fetch the next page of data. initialPageParam may be specified when using the endpoint, to override the default value. maxPages and getPreviousPageParam are both optional.

The infiniteQueryOptions field includes:

  • initialPageParam: the default page param value used for the first request, if this was not specified at the usage site
  • getNextPageParam: a required callback you must provide to calculate the next page param, given the existing cached pages and page params
  • getPreviousPageParam: an optional callback that will be used to calculate the previous page param, if you try to fetch backwards.
  • maxPages: an optional limit to how many fetched pages will be kept in the cache entry at a time
infiniteQueryOptions example
import {
} from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'

type Pokemon = {
id: string
name: string

const pokemonApi = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '' }),
endpoints: (build) => ({
getInfinitePokemonWithMax: build.infiniteQuery<Pokemon[], string, number>({
infiniteQueryOptions: {
initialPageParam: 0,
maxPages: 3,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, allPages, lastPageParam, allPageParams) =>
lastPageParam + 1,
getPreviousPageParam: (
) => {
return firstPageParam > 0 ? firstPageParam - 1 : undefined
query({ pageParam }) {
return `${pageParam}`


(optional, not applicable with queryFn)

In some cases, you may want to manipulate the data returned from a query before you put it in the cache. In this instance, you can take advantage of transformResponse.

See also Customizing query responses with transformResponse

Unpack a deeply nested collection
transformResponse: (response, meta, arg) =>


(optional, not applicable with queryFn)

In some cases, you may want to manipulate the error returned from a query before you put it in the cache. In this instance, you can take advantage of transformErrorResponse.

See also Customizing query responses with transformErrorResponse

Unpack a deeply nested error object
transformErrorResponse: (response, meta, arg) =>



Passed as the third argument to the supplied baseQuery function


(optional, only for query endpoints)

Used by query endpoints. Determines which 'tag' is attached to the cached data returned by the query. Expects an array of tag type strings, an array of objects of tag types with ids, or a function that returns such an array.

  1. ['Post'] - equivalent to 2
  2. [{ type: 'Post' }] - equivalent to 1
  3. [{ type: 'Post', id: 1 }]
  4. (result, error, arg) => ['Post'] - equivalent to 5
  5. (result, error, arg) => [{ type: 'Post' }] - equivalent to 4
  6. (result, error, arg) => [{ type: 'Post', id: 1 }]

See also Providing cache data.

providesTags example
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
interface Post {
id: number
name: string
type PostsResponse = Post[]

const api = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
tagTypes: ['Posts'],
endpoints: (build) => ({
getPosts: build.query<PostsResponse, void>({
query: () => 'posts',
providesTags: (result) =>
? [{ id }) => ({ type: 'Posts' as const, id })),
{ type: 'Posts', id: 'LIST' },
: [{ type: 'Posts', id: 'LIST' }],


(optional, only for mutation endpoints)

Used by mutation endpoints. Determines which cached data should be either re-fetched or removed from the cache. Expects the same shapes as providesTags.

See also Invalidating cache data.

invalidatesTags example
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
interface Post {
id: number
name: string
type PostsResponse = Post[]

const api = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
tagTypes: ['Posts'],
endpoints: (build) => ({
getPosts: build.query<PostsResponse, void>({
query: () => 'posts',
providesTags: (result) =>
? [{ id }) => ({ type: 'Posts' as const, id })),
{ type: 'Posts', id: 'LIST' },
: [{ type: 'Posts', id: 'LIST' }],
addPost: build.mutation<Post, Partial<Post>>({
query(body) {
return {
url: `posts`,
method: 'POST',
invalidatesTags: [{ type: 'Posts', id: 'LIST' }],


(optional, only for query endpoints)

Overrides the api-wide definition of keepUnusedDataFor for this endpoint only.

Defaults to 60 (this value is in seconds). This is how long RTK Query will keep your data cached for after the last component unsubscribes. For example, if you query an endpoint, then unmount the component, then mount another component that makes the same request within the given time frame, the most recent value will be served from the cache.

keepUnusedDataFor example
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
interface Post {
id: number
name: string
type PostsResponse = Post[]

const api = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
endpoints: (build) => ({
getPosts: build.query<PostsResponse, void>({
query: () => 'posts',
keepUnusedDataFor: 5,


(optional, only for query endpoints)

Can be provided to return a custom cache key value based on the query arguments.

This is primarily intended for cases where a non-serializable value is passed as part of the query arg object and should be excluded from the cache key. It may also be used for cases where an endpoint should only have a single cache entry, such as an infinite loading / pagination implementation.

Unlike the createApi version which can only return a string, this per-endpoint option can also return an an object, number, or boolean. If it returns a string, that value will be used as the cache key directly. If it returns an object / number / boolean, that value will be passed to the built-in defaultSerializeQueryArgs. This simplifies the use case of stripping out args you don't want included in the cache key.

serializeQueryArgs : exclude value
import {
} from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
interface Post {
id: number
name: string

interface MyApiClient {
fetchPost: (id: string) => Promise<Post>

baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
endpoints: (build) => ({
// Example: an endpoint with an API client passed in as an argument,
// but only the item ID should be used as the cache key
getPost: build.query<Post, { id: string; client: MyApiClient }>({
queryFn: async ({ id, client }) => {
const post = await client.fetchPost(id)
return { data: post }
serializeQueryArgs: ({ queryArgs, endpointDefinition, endpointName }) => {
const { id } = queryArgs
// This can return a string, an object, a number, or a boolean.
// If it returns an object, number or boolean, that value
// will be serialized automatically via `defaultSerializeQueryArgs`
return { id } // omit `client` from the cache key

// Alternately, you can use `defaultSerializeQueryArgs` yourself:
// return defaultSerializeQueryArgs({
// endpointName,
// queryArgs: { id },
// endpointDefinition
// })
// Or create and return a string yourself:
// return `getPost(${id})`


(optional, only for query endpoints)

Can be provided to merge an incoming response value into the current cache data. If supplied, no automatic structural sharing will be applied - it's up to you to update the cache appropriately.

Since RTKQ normally replaces cache entries with the new response, you will usually need to use this with the serializeQueryArgs or forceRefetch options to keep an existing cache entry so that it can be updated.

Since this is wrapped with Immer, you may either mutate the currentCacheValue directly, or return a new value, but not both at once.

Will only be called if the existing currentCacheData is not undefined - on first response, the cache entry will just save the response data directly.

Useful if you don't want a new request to completely override the current cache value, maybe because you have manually updated it from another source and don't want those updates to get lost.

merge: pagination
import {
} from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
interface Post {
id: number
name: string

baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
endpoints: (build) => ({
listItems: build.query<string[], number>({
query: (pageNumber) => `/listItems?page=${pageNumber}`,
// Only have one cache entry because the arg always maps to one string
serializeQueryArgs: ({ endpointName }) => {
return endpointName
// Always merge incoming data to the cache entry
merge: (currentCache, newItems) => {
// Refetch when the page arg changes
forceRefetch({ currentArg, previousArg }) {
return currentArg !== previousArg


(optional, only for query endpoints)

forceRefetch signature
type forceRefetch = (params: {
currentArg: QueryArg | undefined
previousArg: QueryArg | undefined
state: RootState<any, any, string>
endpointState?: QuerySubState<any>
}) => boolean

Check to see if the endpoint should force a refetch in cases where it normally wouldn't. This is primarily useful for "infinite scroll" / pagination use cases where RTKQ is keeping a single cache entry that is added to over time, in combination with serializeQueryArgs returning a fixed cache key and a merge callback set to add incoming data to the cache entry each time.

forceRefresh: pagination
import {
} from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react'
interface Post {
id: number
name: string

baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: '/' }),
endpoints: (build) => ({
listItems: build.query<string[], number>({
query: (pageNumber) => `/listItems?page=${pageNumber}`,
// Only have one cache entry because the arg always maps to one string
serializeQueryArgs: ({ endpointName }) => {
return endpointName
// Always merge incoming data to the cache entry
merge: (currentCache, newItems) => {
// Refetch when the page arg changes
forceRefetch({ currentArg, previousArg }) {
return currentArg !== previousArg



Available to both queries and mutations.

A function that is called when you start each individual query or mutation. The function is called with a lifecycle api object containing properties such as queryFulfilled, allowing code to be run when a query is started, when it succeeds, and when it fails (i.e. throughout the lifecycle of an individual query/mutation call).

Can be used in mutations for optimistic updates.

Lifecycle API properties

  • dispatch - The dispatch method for the store.
  • getState - A method to get the current state for the store.
  • extra - extra as provided as thunk.extraArgument to the configureStore getDefaultMiddleware option.
  • requestId - A unique ID generated for the query/mutation.
  • queryFulfilled - A Promise that will resolve with a data property (the transformed query result), and a meta property (meta returned by the baseQuery). If the query fails, this Promise will reject with the error. This allows you to await for the query to finish.
  • getCacheEntry - A function that gets the current value of the cache entry.
  • updateCachedData (query endpoints only) - A function that accepts a 'recipe' callback specifying how to update the data for the corresponding cache at the time it is called. This uses immer internally, and updates can be written 'mutably' while safely producing the next immutable state.
Mutation onQueryStarted signature
async function onQueryStarted(
arg: QueryArg,
}: MutationLifecycleApi,
): Promise<void>
Query onQueryStarted signature
async function onQueryStarted(
arg: QueryArg,
updateCachedData, // available for query endpoints only
}: QueryLifecycleApi,
): Promise<void>
onQueryStarted query lifecycle example
import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query'
import { messageCreated } from './notificationsSlice'

export interface Post {
id: number
name: string

const api = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: '/',
endpoints: (build) => ({
getPost: build.query<Post, number>({
query: (id) => `post/${id}`,
async onQueryStarted(id, { dispatch, queryFulfilled }) {
// `onStart` side-effect
dispatch(messageCreated('Fetching post...'))
try {
const { data } = await queryFulfilled
// `onSuccess` side-effect
dispatch(messageCreated('Post received!'))
} catch (err) {
// `onError` side-effect
dispatch(messageCreated('Error fetching post!'))



Available to both queries and mutations.

A function that is called when a new cache entry is added, i.e. when a new subscription for the endpoint + query parameters combination is created. The function is called with a lifecycle api object containing properties such as cacheDataLoaded & cacheDataRemoved, allowing code to be run when a cache entry is added, when cache data is loaded, and when the cache entry is removed (i.e. throughout the lifecycle of a cache entry).

Can be used for streaming updates.

Cache Lifecycle API properties

  • dispatch - The dispatch method for the store.
  • getState - A method to get the current state for the store.
  • extra - extra as provided as thunk.extraArgument to the configureStore getDefaultMiddleware option.
  • requestId - A unique ID generated for the cache entry.
  • cacheEntryRemoved - A Promise that allows you to wait for the point in time when the cache entry has been removed from the cache, by not being used/subscribed to any more in the application for too long or by dispatching api.util.resetApiState.
  • cacheDataLoaded - A Promise that will resolve with the first value for this cache key. This allows you to await until an actual value is in the cache.
    Note: If the cache entry is removed from the cache before any value has ever been resolved, this Promise will reject with new Error('Promise never resolved before cacheEntryRemoved.') to prevent memory leaks. You can just re-throw that error (or not handle it at all) - it will be caught outside of cacheEntryAdded.
  • getCacheEntry - A function that gets the current value of the cache entry.
  • updateCachedData (query endpoints only) - A function that accepts a 'recipe' callback specifying how to update the data at the time it is called. This uses immer internally, and updates can be written 'mutably' while safely producing the next immutable state.
Mutation onCacheEntryAdded signature
async function onCacheEntryAdded(
arg: QueryArg,
}: MutationCacheLifecycleApi,
): Promise<void>
Query onCacheEntryAdded signature
async function onCacheEntryAdded(
arg: QueryArg,
updateCachedData, // available for query endpoints only
}: QueryCacheLifecycleApi,
): Promise<void>

Return value

See the "created Api" API reference